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Zip Backup to CD - data backup software

Datahjaelp Software Solutions, Backup and Zip

Zip Backup to CD version 2, technical description.

Description of the file ZipBakup.ini

Files Section:

LastJob: The name of the last opened backup job.
TempPath: Path to the directory to use for temporary files.

Settings Section:
Name=Company Name

AutoRun: If this value is 1 the program is automatically launched on start of the PC. 0 the function is disabled.
Showonjob: If this value is 1 the program is launched on start of a scheduled job if the program is hidden. 0 the function is disabled.
Showhint: If this value is 1 the program will show hint if you hold the mouse over a part with hint. 0 the function is disabled.
UseUserData: If this value is 1 the program will use the user information in windows to save all files related to setting and jobs in the users folder if the operating system have a value in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\AppData

In the folder found here the program will create a folder called: ZipBackupToCD
..\username\Application Data\ZipBackupToCD

If the value is not present (some Win9x) the program will use the network logon name and create a folder in the folder where the program resides with the following name, and use this folder for user data:


MaxZipFactor: This value is use internally by the program to decide the max compression for the files created. The value should not exceed 7 as this will slow down the program with up to 100% and you will normally only gain les than 2% if file size.

UseTempFile: If this value is 1 the program will create the zip file in the temp folder and when finished copy it to the destination if the destination drive is a removable drive.

Serial: The registration key

Name: Registration name

UseCDR: This value should be set to one when there is used CD-R medias in connection with DirectCD from Roxio. DirectCD is the only known packet writing program which support the use of CD-R. The effect of setting this value to 1 is that the data for a file is buffered on in the temp folder until a file entry is totally ready to write to the zipfile. When making zipfiles which contains big files there need to be at least as much temp space as the biggest file size after compression.

JobOnStart Section:
Nag1BeforeDaycount=You have used your computer for
Nag1AfterDaycount=days, it is time for backing up your data.
Nag1BeforeDestination=Make sure drive
Nag1AfterDestination=is ready and press OK to start. Press CANCEL to postpone the job till tomorrow.
Nag2BeforeDaycount=You have used your computer for
Nag2AfterDaycount=days, you must backup your data now.
Nag2BeforeDestination=Make sure drive
Nag2AfterDestination=is ready and press OK to start.


JobName: Is the file name of the job to run when the program is opened if the start conditions are meet.

DoJobOnDay: Number of different days the program should be started before the job defined in JobName is launched.

MaxDays: The number of days where the user will be enabled to postpone the job defined in JobName. The value has to be greater than DoJobOnDay.

DaysCount: This value is incremented each time the program is launched on a new day. The value in LastDate is used to determine if the program has already been launched on the actual date. If the job defined in JobName is run this value is reset to zero. It will also be reset to zero if the user runs the job defined in JobName manually.

LastDate: The day number of the date when the program was last launched.

Close: If this value is 1 and the program is started with the parameter /A (zipbakup.exe /A) the program will close immediately after it has checked if it is time to run the job defined in JobName. If the start automatic is checked the program is launched with the parameter /A.

Please note the start automatic is done from the registry:


The following values are used to customize the information in the dialog box which appears on launch of the program if the job defined in JobName is to be run.

Nag1BeforeDaycount=You have used your computer for
Nag1AfterDaycount=days, it is time for backing up your data.
Nag1BeforeDestination=Make sure drive
Nag1AfterDestination=is ready and press OK to start. Press CANCEL to postpone the job till tomorrow.

Nag2BeforeDaycount=You have used your computer for
Nag2AfterDaycount=days, you must backup your data now.
Nag2BeforeDestination=Make sure drive
Nag2AfterDestination=is ready and press OK to start.

If the Nag1BeforeDaycount or Nag2BeforeDaycount is empty all Nag.. values will be replaced with texts.

ExecuteAfterJobOnStart Section:
1="C:\Program files\Outlook.exe"

1: The first program to be started after the JobOnStart job is finished.
2: The second program to be started after the JobOnStart job is finished.

Running Section:
This section contains information on the running job and should never be manipulated. The information is used internally by the program to keep track on the status for the running job so that it can be resumed after a crash or cancel by the user.

Job Files
The files are saved with the .dat extension. You may open the file with a text editor but you should be extremely careful if you change any values, I will not recommend changing anything if you need to modify the job settings you should open the job and make the changes from the program and the save the job.

Locking a Job
If mark a job file (jobname.dat) read only the values in the user interface will be grayed and not changeable, except form the destination path.

Using Variables in Jobs
If using %USER% as the beginning of a file or folder specification in the list over files to backup or exclude, the files located in the user folder will be backed up.
The %USER% can be extended with sub folders or file specifications eg.
%USER%\My Documents or %USER%\My Documents\*.doc

The program will read the data in the following registry value:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Personal

and remove the last folder.

If HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Personal =
E:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents then %USER% = E:\Documents and Settings\UserName

Making a backup job available to all new users.
Copy the job file (jobname.dat) to the folder:
"E:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\ZipBackupToCD"
If the data from the user specific folder shall be backed up use the %USER% variable and not the absolute folder description.

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